Association of Aaltuit Life - Social Issues

The Aaltuit religion is a relativistic one. Unlike traditional and many non-traditional religions, Aaltuit steers away from black and white edicts. On most issues, there is a little bit of truth in most positions, even very controversial ones and ones where we disagree emphatically.

Rather than fixed laws and dogma, we prefer to let our reason and intuition guide us to what we believe to be the most appropriate moral and social choices. Our principles are contextual. They are neither unalterable nor perfect. We DO have strong views and wish to share and educate others to our opinions. Nonetheless, we will always acknowledge an individual's right to disagree. We hope you share our democratic ideals and pluralistic philosophy.

Guns - America's Most Serious Disease

Two Party System - Is Democracy "for Some of Us" Enough?

Capital Punishment - the Cost of Vengeance

Reproductive Choice - Is it a Man's Right to Decide?

Same Gender Marriage - America's "okay to discriminate" List

The Right To Die - Walk a Mile in My Pain

Church and State - Dancing in the Dragon's Jaw

Censorship - The Road Away from Democracy

The Drug War - It's Time for Realism

Wife Beating - Let's Stop the Euphemisms

More American Prisons? - Some Thoughts on Alternatives